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Team Rocket's progression (descent?) from "cackling mob henchmen" to "broke-ass crime interns" is a thing of beauty

9/12/2018, 9:56:05 AM

Favs: 286

Retweets: 121



UPDATE: They are now working part-time jobs to pay for their giant robots.

Are... are we sure Giovanni didn't fire them and just... never told them?

9/12/2018, 2:21:57 PM

Favs: 105

Retweets: 20



Giovanni: *cuts them off in season 3* They'll figure it out eventually

Team Rocket: *18 more seasons pass* Today is the day we'll catch Pikachu for the b-

9/12/2018, 2:38:53 PM

Favs: 81

Retweets: 11



THEY FINALLY GOT TO EAT I'm so happy for them

9/13/2018, 2:13:45 PM

Favs: 58

Retweets: 3



I think they got separated on purpose just so they could bum a meal off the kids they've been stalking

9/13/2018, 4:28:11 PM

Favs: 57

Retweets: 3




9/13/2018, 4:28:12 PM

Favs: 100

Retweets: 16



Team Rocket are ACCOMPLISHED designers, stylists, actors, dancers, poets, and musicians - and they're sleeping on park benches and trying to steal mice from preteens.


9/13/2018, 4:40:06 PM

Favs: 312

Retweets: 127



Season 4 ends with my good trash thieves sitting on a porch enjoying ice cream after an honest day's work, well-fed and comfortable, and I'm genuinely tempted to pretend this is the series finale and stop here

9/16/2018, 12:15:15 AM

Favs: 84

Retweets: 4



Maybe Jessie and James decided to do crime because they'd already mastered literally everything else

9/16/2018, 11:45:57 PM

Favs: 126

Retweets: 23



Y'ALL I WAS RIGHT, their membership expired and HR never reminded them to renew. They haven't actually been in Team Rocket for like the ENTIRETY OF JOHTO.

9/17/2018, 8:45:41 AM

Favs: 101

Retweets: 21



Wut up I would watch an entire spin-off series about Wendy in HR

9/17/2018, 8:59:39 AM

Favs: 81

Retweets: 13



Congratulations to Team Rocket for paying off their crushing debt only to be immediately buried by more crushing debt. They are truly the face of a generation.

9/18/2018, 12:37:35 AM

Favs: 114

Retweets: 30



Season 6 Report: Our crime interns have gone to Hoenn to "launch a new branch" & hope to be "promoted to executive."

Putting aside the question of wtf even IS Team Rocket, the TRio's desire to climb the soulless corporate ladder so they can afford to eat is a damn MOOD, y'all.

10/7/2018, 10:19:40 PM

Favs: 94

Retweets: 15



Me as a kid: There's no way Jessie & James are in their 20s! People have their shit together by then.

Me now: Wow ok these broke disasters drowning in debt picking up part-time gigs to supplement the meager pay from their crap job working for an evil boss are 1000% in their 20s.

10/17/2018, 3:31:13 PM

Favs: 823

Retweets: 410



AAAAGH the crime interns were THIS CLOSE to quitting Team Rocket & settling down in a nice farming village but then OF COURSE they didn't, so now I have to go lie down & make Tina Belcher moaning noises for a while


11/27/2018, 11:48:54 PM

Favs: 68

Retweets: 6



Good news everyone! We finally solved the mystery of why Giovanni hasn't fired Jessie and James yet!

11/28/2018, 3:54:42 PM

Favs: 495

Retweets: 287



Welcome to the 10th season, where 10-year-old Dawn joins the cast and this line is now literally true.

3/1/2019, 1:35:44 PM

Favs: 68

Retweets: 13



Flawless repartee

3/1/2019, 2:11:05 PM

Favs: 212

Retweets: 78



are the crime interns okay

3/5/2019, 7:59:16 PM

Favs: 64

Retweets: 12



Season 11 Update: They're fine. They have BEST PAL POWERS 💪💫

3/8/2019, 10:09:54 AM

Favs: 30

Retweets: 4



...Y'all forgot to renew your membership cards again, didn't you

3/8/2019, 11:29:08 AM

Favs: 36

Retweets: 3



548 episodes.

It took Team Rocket FIVE HUNDRED AND FORTY-EIGHT EPISODES to realize they could just... catch Pokemon in Pokeballs and send them to the boss that way.

Anyway congrats to my crime interns on their first successful(ish) criminal(ish) scheme. I'm very proud of you.

3/10/2019, 6:17:37 PM

Favs: 50

Retweets: 12



Wow Team Rocket really does protect the world from devastation

3/13/2019, 6:58:32 PM

Favs: 50

Retweets: 11



Pokemon's over here like "HEY KIDS are you TOTALLY STOKED to see who will win this TOURNAMENT?!" and meanwhile I'm the grown-ass adult in the corner going "Oh boy I can't wait to see if Team Rocket sells enough souvenirs to pay off their loans!"

4/5/2019, 5:05:42 PM

Favs: 63

Retweets: 13



Team Rocket’s Sinnoh To-Do List:

✔️Open string of successful small businesses
✔️Renew our BFF vows
✔️Fly a literal rocket into literal space
✔️Help stop a doomsday cult
✔️Place in the Final Four of a Grand Festival
🔲Our actual jobs



Pobody's nerfect~

4/8/2019, 1:40:16 PM

Favs: 48

Retweets: 12



The next day, a very contrite Giovanni called the crime interns into his office.

“So I thought you chuckleheads were just comically incompetent but uh… yeah, you know what? That IS one hell of a Pikachu. My bad. Lemme get you that raise you asked for 12 seasons ago.”

4/30/2019, 9:29:17 PM

Favs: 36

Retweets: 9



Extremely on-brand that the way the TRio finally earns the boss's approval is by *stopping* crime instead of doing it.

5/7/2019, 5:21:38 PM

Favs: 34

Retweets: 3



“All right James keep it together I mean HAHA okay YES this is the first time an authority figure has ever praised you but IT’S FINE, see Jessie is FINE, you can be FINE, you are a GROWN-ASS ADULT, so just play it cool and whatever you do do NOT start crying in front of the b-”

5/11/2019, 2:33:52 PM

Favs: 35

Retweets: 7



As of Season 16, my favorite Rocketeers have had enough success that I'm pretty sure I can't call them "broke-ass crime interns" anymore, so... let's hear it for the broke-ass part-time junior crime developers*! 🎉

*Pay raise to reflect yearly cost-of-living adjustments only

5/11/2019, 2:53:53 PM

Favs: 33

Retweets: 3



Some people live the gangster life. Team Rocket lives the gangster 9-to-5 with two weeks paid vacation and time off for federal holidays.

6/8/2019, 10:20:08 PM

Favs: 28

Retweets: 8



Team Flare is in the house and our junior crime developers are positively EUPHORIC at the thought of wiping yet another evil organization off the map

6/17/2019, 1:34:30 PM

Favs: 23

Retweets: 2



Realizing he somehow wound up with crime-fighting vigilantes on the payroll, Giovanni now just points the TRio in the general direction of rival bad guys and lets them clean out the competition.

6/20/2019, 2:33:29 PM

Favs: 24

Retweets: 3



Hang on. HANG ON. See Previous Tweet below and HANG THE EFF ON.

Was… was this his plan from Day One? Slowly nudge the TRio into becoming the superheroes they were meant to be? GIOVANNI YOU ABSOLUTE MEGA-NERD, HAS THIS ALL BEEN AN ELABORATE LARP FOR YOU?


6/20/2019, 2:35:30 PM

Favs: 37

Retweets: 5



The Saga of the Crime Interns has slowly morphed into The Rise of the Part-Time Heroes and I am Extremely Here for this slow-burn character development.

6/21/2019, 3:13:58 PM

Favs: 30

Retweets: 5



AMAZE, the crime developers took full credit for their saving-the-world group project and grifted their way into another promotion. It took them almost 20 years but Team Rocket has finally, truly mastered the art of corporate success.

6/24/2019, 12:09:43 PM

Favs: 38

Retweets: 4



"What's our next mission, sir?"

"Well shit you already took out every terrorist cell and doomsday cult I had on my radar and God knows I can't expect you to do any actual criming, so like... take a vacation? catch some Pokemon? I dunno, you do you."

8/14/2019, 4:02:02 PM

Favs: 44

Retweets: 8



Normal People, Laughing: Ha ha the silly bear adopted Team Rocket

Me, Sobbing: This is HEALTHIEST PARENTAL FIGURE any of them has EVER HAD

8/14/2019, 8:42:00 PM

Favs: 141

Retweets: 57



After defending the world from multiple evil geniuses and various attempted apocalypses, the Team Rocket trio face their most formidable foe yet:


8/21/2019, 8:38:54 PM

Favs: 64

Retweets: 20



I regret to inform you that “We missed our employee evaluation meeting because a big pink bear crossed the ocean and carried us back to her island den” does NOT go over well with upper management.

9/20/2019, 2:41:03 PM

Favs: 41

Retweets: 9



Team Rocket just point-blank refused to do a crime.

They just point-blank refused A LOT OF MONEY to do a crime.

I’m… *sniffles*... I’m just so proud of them right now...!😭

9/20/2019, 4:43:06 PM

Favs: 70

Retweets: 14



Team Rocket aren't poachers, they're just a really aggressive animal adoption agency!

10/15/2019, 1:46:31 PM

Favs: 34

Retweets: 6




The Team Rocket trio just openly betrayed Giovanni’s second-in-command to protect Stufful, and then Bewear destroyed a bunch of very expensive-looking Rocket tech to rescue Meowth



They're DEFINITELY fired after this, right?

10/29/2019, 1:36:45 PM

Favs: 31

Retweets: 5



[inhales deeply]
The TRio don't really care about crime they just want to be together but since they've never had a loving family before they don't know how to be partners w/o being Partners so they've kept up this grand facade for TWO DECADES AND oh dear I need to lie down again

10/29/2019, 2:09:48 PM

Favs: 51

Retweets: 8




12/31/2019, 12:37:32 PM

Favs: 63

Retweets: 10



If I didn’t know the TRio was in the new series I would have been legit convinced they were going to quit Team Rocket and stay in Alola and I would have been SO HAPPY FOR THEM 😭

3/11/2020, 5:13:31 PM

Favs: 27

Retweets: 2




3/11/2020, 5:16:46 PM

Favs: 42

Retweets: 10



From Villains to Gremlins: The Team Rocket Story

7/12/2020, 3:56:28 PM

Favs: 125

Retweets: 45



So Giovanni gave the TRio a Pokeball gacha machine, presumably so he can finally get back all the money they owe him, but joke's on you, Boss-man

7/12/2020, 4:16:48 PM

Favs: 27

Retweets: 1



Side-by-side comparison of the “Ditto who struggles to transform” episodes from Pokemon Season 1 vs. Season 23 as further proof that Team Rocket are, in fact, the greatest slow-burn redemption arc of all time

11/18/2020, 5:23:43 PM

Favs: 142

Retweets: 36



If Giovanni doesn’t give the TRio another villainous organization to defeat soon, they’re coming for him next

10/14/2022, 2:33:08 PM

Favs: 12

Retweets: 0



Years ago Pokemon established Giovanni is secretly a huge nerd who based TR's uniforms on an old tokusatsu series, and now we find out he’s secretly filming the TRio’s adventures & packaging them as a TV show?

None of us—NONE OF US—are as dedicated to our fandoms as Giovanni

12/23/2022, 11:28:34 AM

Favs: 19

Retweets: 2



It's Season 25 and the crime developers are still not being paid a living wage, just in case you were wondering if Team Rocket had a union or not

1/12/2023, 5:58:06 PM

Favs: 3

Retweets: 0



Butch and Cassidy quitting the mob like

1/12/2023, 6:12:59 PM

Favs: 25

Retweets: 3



The next step in Team Rocket's character arc: attack and dethrone God

3/8/2023, 2:57:57 PM

Favs: 11

Retweets: 1



Wow I can’t believe Team Rocket’s LinkedIn description of "come get your asses kicked by children and animals for a salary so low you’ll have to work part-time jobs to afford food" is not going over well with the younger generations

3/8/2023, 3:06:24 PM

Favs: 6

Retweets: 0



What slays me about this Rocket Radio Show adventure is that Giovanni finally tried to cater to the TRio's strengths by shifting them into a performance-based PR role—and they STILL blew off the assignment.

It’s almost like… they don’t actually care about crime or something…🤔

3/16/2023, 4:26:40 PM

Favs: 7

Retweets: 0



I really hope Team Rocket learned how to monetize PokeTube before they became internet personalities.

(Narrator Voice: They didn’t.)

9/5/2023, 10:52:51 AM

Favs: 0

Retweets: 0



Jessie and James are performing in tokusatsu stage plays, and thus the circle is complete

9/14/2023, 2:12:27 PM

Favs: 3

Retweets: 0



25 years later and Team Rocket is still the voice of a generation

9/14/2023, 2:15:27 PM

Favs: 9

Retweets: 3



HEY GIOVANNI you commissioned a giant gold statue of yourself whose sole purpose is to deliver orders to your subordinates AND THEN IMMEDIATELY EXPLODE, maybe you should stop giving the TRio shit for spending their budget on robots and cosplay

9/26/2023, 2:39:53 PM

Favs: 3

Retweets: 0