← @joseinextdoor Twitter archive



Slap on that sunscreen and mix up those Mai Tais, we’re off to Alola in the Pokemon Season 20 thread!

8/14/2019, 2:42:03 PM

Favs: 71

Retweets: 4



C'mon Ketchum, "turtley awesome" was RIGHT THERE, get your head in the game kiddo

8/14/2019, 2:56:47 PM

Favs: 30

Retweets: 1



Sun & Moon Face Game already living up to the hype

8/14/2019, 3:21:53 PM

Favs: 40

Retweets: 7



"I Have No Idea How To Do It, But I'll Try: The Ash Ketchum Story"

8/14/2019, 3:41:05 PM

Favs: 42

Retweets: 8



The poor souls in charge of localizing all these Pokemon puns are gonna deserve several raises and their own Hawaii vacation by the time this series is over

8/14/2019, 4:08:19 PM

Favs: 44

Retweets: 7



Let 👏 Meowth 👏 say 👏 fuck

8/14/2019, 4:24:51 PM

Favs: 72

Retweets: 33



James thought they were still doing intro poses but they’re not still doing intro poses

8/14/2019, 4:37:29 PM

Favs: 28

Retweets: 1



Pokemon, I love you, but this is just a toucan

8/14/2019, 4:55:35 PM

Favs: 46

Retweets: 8



backpack borb backPACK BORB BACKPACK BORB

8/14/2019, 5:12:00 PM

Favs: 49

Retweets: 6



The hedgehog’s dilemma

8/14/2019, 6:08:42 PM

Favs: 27

Retweets: 1



help I can’t stop laughing at this background Eevee

8/14/2019, 6:21:12 PM

Favs: 87

Retweets: 26



We interrupt your regularly scheduled TL to bring you a Litten in a pet cone

8/14/2019, 7:04:00 PM

Favs: 78

Retweets: 29



Ash's first grand trial required him to solve a Pokemon problem without battling, so he battled a different Pokemon so that Pokemon could solve his Pokemon problem by battling for him.


8/14/2019, 7:39:02 PM

Favs: 31

Retweets: 0



The Ten Commandments (1956)

8/19/2019, 3:29:38 PM

Favs: 49

Retweets: 22



Jessie and James fish with Ekans and Koffing lures, MY HEART

8/19/2019, 4:38:22 PM

Favs: 55

Retweets: 11



H-hey, Monkey’s Paw? When I said I missed the old running gag where James's Pokemon loved him so much they kept trying to eat him, THIS WAS NEITHER THE “LOVE” NOR THE “EAT” I HAD IN MIND

8/19/2019, 5:51:40 PM

Favs: 26

Retweets: 1



Avast, me hearties! Quality 'ship spotted off the port bow!

8/19/2019, 6:19:36 PM

Favs: 38

Retweets: 1



I’m only 14 episodes in and already stocking up on tissues for all the cries I'm gonna cry when this perfect bear gets written out of the show at the end of the year

8/20/2019, 2:50:47 PM

Favs: 45

Retweets: 8



The localization is back to dropping terrible pop culture references and pun-tastic titles, this really is the best season since Diamond & Pearl

8/20/2019, 3:24:14 PM

Favs: 34

Retweets: 2



Me snuggling my cat

8/20/2019, 4:28:39 PM

Favs: 31

Retweets: 4



THIS IS CHEATING, POKEMON, nobody's heart can handle an Old Doggo and Smol Kitty story ;_;

8/21/2019, 1:48:21 PM

Favs: 35

Retweets: 3



gosh this is some gorgeous cinematography

8/21/2019, 1:51:28 PM

Favs: 35

Retweets: 10



"One Journey Ends, Another Begins" is about how sometimes people need time to grieve and that's okay; you don't have to "make it better," you just need to let them know you're there for them while they process.

Pokemon is Good, y'all.

8/21/2019, 2:08:14 PM

Favs: 86

Retweets: 46



Season 20 Premiere: "Meet Kiawe, a Serious and Responsible trainer surrounded by dorks."

Season 20 Mid-Season: "All hail Kiawe, King of the Dorks!"

8/21/2019, 4:09:16 PM

Favs: 48

Retweets: 12



“Don’t talk to me or my son ever again.”

8/21/2019, 6:41:53 PM

Favs: 40

Retweets: 9



oh no I love these baby edgelords

8/21/2019, 7:06:55 PM

Favs: 27

Retweets: 0



I’m sure someday the horror movie screeches they play every time Mimikyu appears will stop being hysterical to me.


8/21/2019, 8:23:38 PM

Favs: 34

Retweets: 2



That's a hell of a callback, Pokemon

8/22/2019, 4:48:46 PM

Favs: 51

Retweets: 7



Pokemon blew their entire animation budget on a baseball filler episode and, honestly, God bless ‘em for it

8/22/2019, 5:14:56 PM

Favs: 731

Retweets: 224




8/22/2019, 5:32:45 PM

Favs: 29

Retweets: 5



Anyway ‘scuse me while I add “Very Good Baseball Episode” to my Everest-sized mountain of evidence that Pokemon would be a better show if Jessie, James, and Meowth just quit Team Rocket and stayed on as recurring goofball older sibling-types

8/22/2019, 5:39:11 PM

Favs: 56

Retweets: 10



Hear ye, hear ye, the Pokemon Company doth hereby decree that enough American kids know what curry is that we no longer have to localize it as "stew."

8/23/2019, 2:39:48 PM

Favs: 28

Retweets: 2



Lillie spent the entire Stoutland Treasure Hunt working up the courage just to get on a Stoutland and the cast treats this as exactly as praiseworthy as the treasures the others brought back.


8/23/2019, 3:22:43 PM

Favs: 36

Retweets: 9



um excuse me sirs, ma'am, but do you have a license to fly that bearcraft?

8/23/2019, 4:46:40 PM

Favs: 26

Retweets: 8



I was certain Mallow and Kiawe were my frontrunners for Alolan Best Twerp, but Lana is making a STRONG push here in the back half of the season.

8/23/2019, 5:14:10 PM

Favs: 32

Retweets: 5



Olivia is so powerful she can wield Distinguished, Functional, AND Disaster Energy at any given moment

8/24/2019, 12:59:23 PM

Favs: 45

Retweets: 8



WOW, I just realized Team Rocket has barely been in the last cour and (while I do miss them dearly) I am somehow NOT threatening to mutiny?

That might be the highest compliment I could possibly pay Sun & Moon, honestly.

8/24/2019, 1:33:21 PM

Favs: 29

Retweets: 0



Mimikyu’s cosplay got busted so Jessie took it shopping and, why yes, it IS exactly as good as you'd expect

8/24/2019, 5:08:34 PM

Favs: 57

Retweets: 11



Please protect this moe elder god.

8/24/2019, 5:19:25 PM

Favs: 66

Retweets: 29



Me ‘n’ Jessie: Laughing at James’s bad jokes for 20 years

8/24/2019, 5:37:44 PM

Favs: 48

Retweets: 8



Sometimes you wanna go where everybody says their name

8/24/2019, 6:24:47 PM

Favs: 25

Retweets: 5



NO, I am NOT getting emotional about the Kanto Krew Reunion, YOU wipe the tears out YOUR eyes

8/24/2019, 7:21:44 PM

Favs: 29

Retweets: 3



Pokemon is going to kill me with nostalgic fanservice - but man, what a way to go

8/24/2019, 7:39:15 PM

Favs: 22

Retweets: 1



Misty/Lana is QUALITY what the heck

8/24/2019, 8:00:48 PM

Favs: 35

Retweets: 2




8/24/2019, 8:07:36 PM

Favs: 80

Retweets: 31



“So Brock, what’ve you been up to these past seven years?”

“Oh, you know, just spending time with my siblings, going to vet school - AND GETTIN SWOLE.”

8/24/2019, 8:22:31 PM

Favs: 30

Retweets: 4



Sorry Rotomdex, but this is the Indigo League, where everything’s made up and the points don’t matter

8/24/2019, 8:33:48 PM

Favs: 34

Retweets: 3



And that's a joyous end to a joyous season!

It strikes me that in my rush to appreciate the new Team Rocket Pokes I didn't spend NEARLY enough time appreciating the returning ones, so let's end the thread with some stray images of Meowth and the good blue boi enjoying Alola🌴

8/24/2019, 9:44:56 PM

Favs: 24

Retweets: 4